JUICING SAFETY: Tips to Protect Your Employees and Customers

JUICING SAFETY: Tips to Protect Your Employees and Customers

When you’re in the process of opening a juice bar, it’s easy to get caught up in designing the space and deciding on menu offerings. After all, Americans consumed 6.6 gallons of juices per capita in 2015, so you’ll want to make sure your establishment and items are appealing. You’ve probably ordered a lot of your juice bar equipment, such as commercial juice machines, utensils, serving receptacles, and more. But have you given much thought to how these tools will be used? Although operating a juice maker may seem fairly straightforward, there are several safety considerations you’ll need to keep in mind. The following tips should allow you to promote a healthy and safe environment and produce products that will enhance your customers’ well-being.

Preparation and Utilization Tips For Commercial Juice Machines

These tips will ensure that your juice bar or restaurant is safe and healthy for everyone who walks in the door. By prioritizing employee and customer safety from the start, you’ll be able to reduce the risk of injury or food-borne illness in your establishment. To find out how our commercial juice machines can make your endeavor even more successful, contact us today.